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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Federal Raids in Oaksterdam

Federal agents raided several medical marijuana related locations in Oakland, CA early Monday morning, including Oaksterdam University, the nation's first school dedicated to medical marijuana cultivation.

Oakland has long been a stronghold of the medical marijuana movement, making it a target for federal crackdowns.  Despite the Obama administrations earlier stance that they would not interfere with businesses operating in compliance with state law, Federal agents have been cracking down on California dispensaries for the past year.  In some cases these crackdowns were done with the assistance of local officials, not so with pro-cannabis Oakland.

Early Monday morning Federal agents raided Oaksterdam University, the Oaksterdam Gift Shop and the Oakland Cannabis Buyers Club, none of which actually distribute medical marijuana.  The University's founder, activist Richard Lee, was detained at his home and four university plant tenders were arrested in the raids.

This is just one more case of the Federal Government stepping in where it is not wanted or needed spending the taxpayers money going against the taxpayers wishes.  The medical marijuana movement has been nothing but good for the city of Oakland, leading to a revival of it's downtown area and an influx of businesses and revenue for the city.  The city of Oakland and it's residents are clearly pro-cannabis; why is the federal government spending millions of dollars raiding this cities legal businesses? In my hometown of Detroit crime is running rampant and unemployment is nearly the highest in the country; yet the federal governments priority is spending millions of dollars of taxpayers money raiding legal businesses in prospering cities???  Legal businesses that the vast majority of Americans approve of and support???

These communities have democratically voted these businesses in, their residents approve of them, support them and want them there, and these businesses are improving their community! What happened to democracy? It's time for the people to raise their voice.  Whether you support medical marijuana or not, would your rather have your tax dollars go toward shutting down legal medical marijuana businesses or towards revitalizing our nations economy and creating new jobs???Would your rather have your tax dollars go towards shutting down legal medical marijuana businesses or or shutting down the crack and heroin dealers on the corner??? Something to think about.

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